Santa Elvira´s beach

Camí Platja B, 22-23, 46540 Puçol, Valencia, España
El tiempo en Puig
18°  11° 
15 km/h
22°  12° 
14 km/h
Humedad:68%   +info
Icon : Beach
County : El Puig county
Type of beach : Rustic
Clasificación : Beach
Ocupación : Low capacity
Parquing : Parking
Perros : Perros

El Puig county > Santa Elvira´s beach

In the last stretch in the north of El Puig de Santa María we find this interesting beach, in a non-urbanized area, where the only sign of life are two piers which protect the area from marine erosion. Very quiet and natural surroundings, it is not equipped with a promenade or any of the services associated to it. Ideal for those who want to escape from the crowds and would rather not see any buidings while they bathe.

Length: 706 meter Width: 120 meter

Rolling stones
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