La Creu beach (The Cross beach)

Carrera del Riu, 17, 46012 Valencia, España
El tiempo en Pinedo
17°  12° 
16 km/h
21°  13° 
15 km/h
Humedad:66%   +info
Icon : Beach
County : València (Pinedo) county
Type of beach : Rustic
Clasificación : Beach
Ocupación : Low capacity
Parquing : Parking

València (Pinedo) county > La Creu beach (The Cross beach)

La Creu beach borders with the Pinedo borough and El Saler. This is a quiet, easy to access stretch with no services, in which we encounter dunes and crops, creating a very traditional landscape. Its epicenter has a high lookout point above the sea where letting your mind wonder off is an delicious pastime. Not very visited even during the summer.

Length: 940 meter Width: 40 meter

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