Plans beach (The Plans´ beach)

Camí Platja A, 2, 46540 El Puig de Santa Maria, Valencia, España
El tiempo en Puig
18°  11° 
15 km/h
22°  12° 
14 km/h
Humedad:68%   +info
Icon : Beach
County : El Puig county
Type of beach : Semiurban
Clasificación : Beach
Ocupación : Medium capacity
Parquing : Parking

El Puig county > Plans beach (The Plans´ beach)

Of large dimensions and with five breakwaters combing the sea, jotted with pebbles which are more abundant towards the north, we find this beach. Despite being urbanized, there is only one promenade in the northern part that is less urbanized; which gives it a quiet setting. It is a family orientated area, with few who reside here all throughout the year. Its occupancy isn´t very high except for during the holidays.

Length: 1.290 meter Width: 40 meter

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