Puçol´s beach

Av. Marina, 35, 46530 Playa, Valencia, España
Icon : Beach
County : PuÇol county
Type of beach : Semiurban
Clasificación : Beach
Ocupación : Low capacity
Blue flag : Blue Flag
Juegos infantil : Playground
Minusvalidos : Handicapped
Camping : Camping
Restaurante : Restaurant
Parquing : Parking

PuÇol county > Puçol´s beach

This well-kept marine stretch of the municipality of Puçol stands out in many ways. The first thing that attracts attention is its wide and elegant promenade, with an urban-planning where two or three storey houses are predominant, which gives it a pleasant and accessible look. Its piers comb the sea, protecting it from marine erosion and creating very attractive surroundings for fishermen. This family orientated area doesn´t usually have a high occupancy.

Length: 2.050 meter Width: 40 meter

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