Pau-Pí beach

Carrer de la Mar Mediterrània, 31, 46780 Oliva, Valencia, España
El tiempo en Oliva
16°  13° 
11 km/h
21°  13° 
12 km/h
Humedad:67%   +info
Icon : Beach
County : Oliva county
Type of beach : Semiurban
Clasificación : Beach
Ocupación : Medium capacity
Blue flag : Blue Flag
Beach bar : Beach bar
Juegos infantil : Playground
Restaurante : Restaurant
Parquing : Parking

Oliva county > Pau-Pí beach

Pau-pí beach with the whimsical form that is created by the leisure port, when the sea currents change, is a very family orientated beach. The near absence of apartment buildings and their lack of hight, make the traditional houses win the battle of urban planning. It offers all services. Restoration services in some cases are by the houses at the beach front as there is no promenade. The scenery it transmits is very traditional, with the exits of the houses to the beach surrounded by small dunes.

Length: 1.400 meter Width: 80 meter

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