Bellreguard´s beach

Passeig Mediterrani, 9, 46713 Bellreguard, Valencia, España
El tiempo en Bellreguard
17°  12° 
12 km/h
20°  13° 
11 km/h
Humedad:68%   +info
Icon : Beach
County : Bellreguard county
Type of beach : Semiurban
Clasificación : Beach
Ocupación : Medium capacity
Blue flag : Blue Flag
Juegos infantil : Playground
Minusvalidos : Handicapped
Restaurante : Restaurant
Parquing : Parking

Bellreguard county > Bellreguard´s beach

A picturesque stretch, with barely any difference to its neighbours, in which its sands are fine and white. The buildings haven´t succeeded to impose on the traditional housing which continues to keep watch from its verandas. The beach is very well taken care of and offers all the services, its public is mainly family orientated.

Length: 730 meter Width: 55 meter

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