El Fernandet´s beach

Carrer Mare Nostrum, 8, 46419 Sueca, Valencia, España
El tiempo en Sueca
18°  12° 
16 km/h
23°  12° 
17 km/h
tiempo.com   +info
Icon : Beach
County : Sueca county
Type of beach : Semiurban
Clasificación : Beach
Ocupación : Medium capacity
Restaurante : Restaurant
Parquing : Parking

Sueca county > El Fernandet´s beach

The stretch of El Fernandet gives reference to an ancient place of the same name which has not been urbanized. It is a very quiet area, in which an excellent job has been done in recovering its dunes, which gives it a very natural look. Fine sand and many of the services are open to a family orientated pubic, and in most cases an older public that mainly reside around the area.

Length: 350 meter Width: 35 meter

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