La Lotería beach

Passeig l'Alguer, 46419 Sueca, Valencia, España
El tiempo en Sueca
18°  12° 
16 km/h
23°  12° 
17 km/h
Humedad:63%   +info
Icon : Beach
County : Sueca county
Type of beach : Urban
Clasificación : Beach
Ocupación : Medium capacity
Restaurante : Restaurant
Parquing : Parking

Sueca county > La Lotería beach

Making reference to a famous lottery, this is a very friendly community. Very low buildings are seen along the beach, which contrast with the tall buildings that we find in other areas. The beach has got fine sand and its small groups of dunes reach the promenade, where there are no restoration services, although you will find some around the area. Its visitors are usually elderly people who own a second house in the area.

Length: 340 meter Width: 35 meter

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