Play-Puig beach

Passeig Marítim, 11-19, 46540 El Puig de Santa Maria, Valencia, España
El tiempo en Puig
18°  11° 
15 km/h
22°  12° 
14 km/h
Humedad:68%   +info
Icon : Beach
County : El Puig county
Type of beach : Urban
Clasificación : Beach
Ocupación : Medium capacity
Juegos infantil : Playground
Minusvalidos : Handicapped
Parquing : Parking

El Puig county > Play-Puig beach

With hardly any difference to its sister in the south, besides its name, we find this beach. Of fine sand, jotted with seashells, its piers protect it from sea currents. A big and pleasant promenade with a very well taken care of landscape attracts people to get close to the sea. The absence of big buildings in the seafront gives its public a feeling of relief, being this a family orientated and vacational place.

Length: 296 meter Width: 50 meter

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