Bega de Mar beach

Carrer Vall d'Agres, 7, 46419 Bega de Mar, Valencia, España
El tiempo en Sueca
18°  12° 
16 km/h
23°  12° 
17 km/h
Humedad:63%   +info
Icon : Beach
County : Sueca county
Type of beach : Urban
Clasificación : Beach
Ocupación : Low capacity
Parquing : Parking
Nudista : Naturist

Sueca county > Bega de Mar beach

An odd stretch in which four tall buildings, surrounded mainly by dunes and mediterranean vegetation, stand out. Lacking a promenade with services relating to it and despite the fact that it is not a very urbanized area, a twenty-five storey watchtower is seen from every point of view. There are also some small beach houses in the north side. Its visitors arrive for the summer and find these unurbanized areas to be a delightful treat.

Length: 1.280 meter Width: 50 meter

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