Foios´ beach

V-21, 7, 46134 Foios, Valencia, España
El tiempo en Foios
18°  10° 
15 km/h
22°  12° 
12 km/h
Humedad:67%   +info
Icon : Breakwater
County : Foios county
Type of beach : Rustic
Clasificación : Breakwater
Ocupación : Low capacity
Parquing : Parking

Foios county > Foios´ beach

The small land margin situated at the north of the Meliana Beach´s pier and the artificial breakwater which protects the cv21 motorway from the sea, belongs to the municipality of Foios. There are barely 80 meters of sand and pebbles in addition to a large part of the breakwater. With hardly any protection from the motorway, its visitors are mainly fishermen or locals who meet up to have picnics by the sea.

Length: 360 meter Width: 50 meter

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