Platgeta beach (Little Beach)

Calle la Farola, 27A, 46408 Faro de Cullera, Valencia, España
El tiempo en Cullera
21°  14° 
19 km/h
17°  13° 
16 km/h
Humedad:79%   +info
Icon : Cove
County : Cullera county
Type of beach : Virgin beach
Clasificación : Cove
Ocupación : Low capacity

Cullera county > Platgeta beach (Little Beach)

This is a small and hidden cove, accessible from the lighthouse path, at the south side of Dosser beach, or on foot by the beach shore. We are talking about a small retreat, with sand and of limited capacity, which only arises depending on sea conditions during the winter. It covers little up to well at sea and the rich seabeds of the cliffs which form Cape Cullera are prefect to practice snorkeling.

Length: 9 meter Width: 4 meter
