Puig-Val beach

Passeig Marítim, 46540 El Puig de Santa Maria, Valencia, España
El tiempo en Puig
19°  9° 
20 km/h
19°  10° 
21 km/h
tiempo.com   +info
Icon : Beach
County : El Puig county
Type of beach : Urban
Clasificación : Beach
Ocupación : Medium capacity
Parquing : Parking

El Puig county > Puig-Val beach

Situated between piers, its sands are fine, dotted with pebbles, boulders and seashell remains that have been sweeped along by the current. Its got a big and pleasant promenade, doted with gardens and many services, although the absence of shops vetoes the restoration services at the beachfront. Its public is local, family and vacational orientated; despite this, the occupancy isn´t very high.

Length: 240 meter Width: 50 meter

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